
Securing smart campuses: a holistic multi-layer approach (UC-National Laboratory Fees Research Program) led by UC Riverside, with Christina Fragouli and Suhas Diggavi at UCLA.

IoBT REIGN Research Center (Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Collaborative Research Alliance (CRA)) led by UIUC, with Suhas Diggavi and Mani Srivastava at UCLA.

CONIX Research Center (one of six centers in JUMP, a Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) program sponsored by DARPA) led by CMU, with Mani Srivastava at UCLA.

SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: Privacy-aware Trustworthy Control as Service for the Internet-of-Things (NSF 1705135) with Mani Srivastava at UCLA and Saman Zonouz at Rutgers.

Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization: Virtual Resources (NSF 1521617) lead by Vanderbilt and in collaboration with U. Arizona and UPenn.

Finished Projects

A Science of CPS Robustness (NSF 1645824).

CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems (NSF 1239085) lead by UMich and in collaboration with CMU and Caltech.

ExCAPE: Expeditions in Computer Augmented Program Engineering lead by UPenn and in collaboration with Berkeley, Cornell, UIUC, Maryland, Michigan, MIT, and Rice.

SPARCS: Synthesis of Platform-aware Attack-Resilient Control Systems, a DARPA HACMS project led by UPenn.

Foundations of secure Cyber-Physical Systems (NSF 1136174) with Suhas Diggavi, Rafail Ostrovsky, Mani Srivastava, and Amit Sahai at UCLA.

Towards robust cyber-physical systems (NSF 1035916) with Rupak Majumdar at UCLA/MPI.

Closing the gap in controller synthesis (NSF 0953994) with Rupak Majumdar at UCLA/MPI.

Existing formal approaches to embedded control software design are based on formal verification. Instead of verifying already designed software, we are investigating the synthesis of correct-

Since the process of communicating information is, in general, the most expensive, the reduction of communication requirements is paramount to obtain energy efficient control over sensor/actuator networks. In this project we explore the application of event-triggered control ideas in distributed settings as energy efficient implementations of control over wireless networks.

Control and Real-Time Scheduling Codesign (NSF 0712502)

Control tasks are traditionally treated as periodic hard real-time tasks. In this project we are exploring event-triggered and self-triggered paradigms for control tasks and its real-time scheduling support.