09/19/19: Prof. Tabuada elected as a Fellow of IFAC.
08/26/19: Prof. Tabuada and collaborators, Prof. Prof. Xu at U. Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Grizzle at U. Michigan, and Prof. Ames at Caltech, received the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best New Application Paper Award for the paper Correctness Guarantees for the Composition of Lane Keeping and Adaptive Cruise Control.
09/06/18: Special issue of Acta Informatica dedicated to synthesis. Consider submitting your best papers!
10/12/17: Profs. Diggavi, Srivastava, and Tabuada part of ARL's Internet of Battlefield Things Collaborative Research Alliance.
07/28/17: Prof. Tabuada is the inaugural holder of the Vijay K. Dhir Endowed Chair in Engineering.
11/29/16: Prof. Tabuada becomes an IEEE Fellow.
04/18/16: Yasser Shoukry wins the best paper award at ICCPS 2016.
12/17/15: Prof. Tabuada is awarded the Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize by the IEEE Control Systems Society.
08/01/15: Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems special issue on Formal Methods in Control. Consider submitting your best papers!
01/09/15: Ayca Balkan wins the best student paper award at ICC.
12/01/14: IEEE TAC special issue on control of CPS just published.
11/11/14: The 5th ADHS will take place on the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta, GA. Consider submitting your best papers!
04/17/14: Prof. Tabuada and co-workers win the best paper award at ICCPS 2014.
04/05/13: CyPhyLab part of a $4M NSF CPS Frontiers award to study correct-by-construction synthesis of control software with applications to automotive safety.
10/18/12: CyPhyLab part of SPARCS (Synthesis of Platform-aware Attack-Resilient Control Systems), $4.8M award from DARPA's High Assurance Cyber Military Systems (HACMS) program.
10/02/12: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control special issue on the Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: consider submitting your best papers!
04/04/12: CyPhyLab part of ExCAPE, a $10 million NSF Expeditions in Computing award.
12/16/11: Dr. Adolfo Anta and Prof. Paulo Tabuada win the 2011 George S. Axelby Award.
10/03/11: New center on Engineering Economics to start with kick-off meeting on October 12.
09/16/11: NSF funds UCLA team to establish the foundations of secure cyber-physical systems.
10/29/10: Dr. Adolfo Anta, Prof. Rupak Majumdar, Indranil Saha, and Prof. Paulo Tabuada win the 2010 EMSOFT Best Paper Award.
10/01/10: Prof. Tabuada begins term as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
09/13/10: NSF funds Prof. Majumdar and Prof. Tabuada to investigate robust cyber-physical systems.
06/09/10: CDC 2010 Workshop: Correct-by-design embedded control software synthesis.
06/09/10: Cyber-Physical Systems Demystified, special session at DAC 2010.
06/07/10: Adolfo Anta and Manuel Mazo Jr. graduated!
04/06/10: Dr. Elaine Render joins Prof. Majumdar's group and CyPhyLab.
02/08/10: Prof. Tabuada to deliver plenary lecture at the 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
01/19/10: Prof. Tabuada to deliver plenary lecture at the 2010 American Control Conference.
01/04/10: Dr. Pritam Roy joins Prof. Majumdar's group and CyPhyLab.
10/22/09: Pessoa, a tool for embedded control software synthesis, is released.
09/28/09: NSF funds Prof. Majumdar and Prof. Tabuada to close the gap in controller synthesis.
06/15/09: Prof. Paulo Tabuada receives the 2009 AACC Donald P. Eckman award.
06/15/09: New book on Hybrid Systems already available online.
05/11/09: Georgia Tech Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems.
01/12/09: New journal IEEE Embedded Systems Letters. Consider submitting your best work!
10/13/08: Adolfo Anta is a finalist for the CDC 2008 Best Student Paper Award.
09/02/08: NSF funds team formed by Notre Dame and UCLA to study anytime embedded real-time control.
08/01/08: CyPhyLab is awarded a small grant for exploratory research on event-triggered control over sensor/actuator networks.
07/17/08: HSCC'09 webpage goes live.
07/14/08: CyPhyLab was recruiting a postdoctoral researcher.
06/23/08: NSF funds team formed by UCLA, UCSD, and USC to study physically coupled software.
04/28/08: Prof. Rupak Majumdar and Prof. Paulo Tabuada co-chair HSCC 2009.