Yasser Shoukry Sakr
Yasser Shoukry is a Ph.D. student in UCLA working under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Tabuada (CyPhy Lab) and Prof. Mani Srivastava (NESL Lab). He previously received his B.Sc. degree in computer engineering at Ain Shams University in 2007, with distinction and honors. He also received his M.Sc. degree in computer engineering at Ain Shams University in 2010 under supervision of Prof. Sherif Hammad and Prof. Watheq El-Kharashi. Yasser has experience working in embedded software development and model-driven architecture at Mentor Graphics Egypt. He has also been a research and teaching assistant at Ain Shams University, Computer and Systems department.
Research Interests:
Cyber-Physical Systems
Nonlinear/Hybrid control systems, Networked and Embedded Control Systems
High Speed Navigation and Motion Planning for Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles (UGVs & UAVs)
B.Sc. in Computer and Systems Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 2007
M.Sc. in Computer and Systems Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
(Thesis: "Model Predictive Control (MPC) on Chip")
Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2011-current
For more information about my research and publications, please visit my personal webpage
Contact Information:
yshoukry (at) ee (dot) ucla (dot) edu